Is your money spent on Mobile App Maintenance worth it?

Our Plans

Our Maintenance Plan

Our Pricing Plan



for a mobile app on either iOS or Android (Value worth $1500)

Test Apps on 5 Latest Devices
Fix Bugs
Upgrade SDKs/Libraries
Published to App Store (every 2 months)
Priority Support (Zoom/Slack/Email)
Backend / Server Maintenance
Automated Database Backup
BONUS: 20 hrs of work each month


for a mobile app on both iOS and Android (Value worth $2300)

Test Apps on 5 Latest Devices
Fix Bugs
Upgrade SDKs/Libraries
Published to App Store (every 2 months)
Priority Support (Zoom/Slack/Email)
Backend / Server Maintenance
Automated Database Backup
BONUS: 20 hrs of work each month
What we do

Debugging, Sustaining, and Re-scaling Your Apps

Client’s Testimonials

” The SubcoDevs team has always been a “Yes” or “Let us work on it” team. Thanks to them, our $160k monthly quote came down to only $20k. I wholeheartedly recommend them. “

Patrick K Porter

Thanks to SubcoDevs, we now have great processes, task management, scrum, and there’s a pipeline. Everything finally works the way it’s meant to be.

Mark D.

It’s great working with SubcoDevs team on MOOD’s mobile applications. They have always been supportive and proactive when it comes to deadlines and quality.

Trey Courtney

Working with Subodh has been a very positive experience. Excellent self management skills and was able to work within our custom framework. We will be using Subodh for all our of projects in the future.

Aparna Basker

I would like to thank the entire SubcoDevs team for all of your efforts and dedication to this project over the many years. Everyone played a key role in making this project successful. So from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate each and every one of you for your efforts and dedication to making FLYUR successful.

Joshua Baldwin

Video Testimonials


Any Questions? Look Here


Pricing and Service


Who Needs Maintenance?

Backend Maintenance

Contact Us

Get In Touch With Us

Phone Number

+1 (916)822-7511

Email Address

[email protected]

Our Location

901 H St Ste 120, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA